Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I dont wanna change the world.

I feel like dying. I've got nothing to do. I think its the lack of sleep but it might just be more than that. Its been days since I last talked to you and I hate the fact that I left the conversation just hanging. I didnt acknowledge you later that evening and I feel even worse about it. I'm sorry. I know I should have but I was really, really stressed up and I was afraid that if I talked to you I would have released my anger on you. I lose my temper more and more easily these days. It scares me. You see right through me and I was shaken at how accurate you were. I dont want you to know that you scared me by seeing who I really was on the inside. I dont want you to know that I miss you. I do. I miss talking to you and I miss falling off my chair while laughing at your ridiculous jokes. I just miss you. I'm sorry. I feel like shit. Now will you forgive me? I seriously feel trapped up. Like I cant breathe. Like my airways are closing up. I hate this feeling. I dont know what it is and that scares me more. Do me a favour. Please. You have to stop hating yourself. Maybe then you'll see, that it can get better, if only you'd try. It not gonna be easy. But I'm here for you every step of the way. I'm not perfect and at times, I wont know how to make you feel better. But just knowing that you're there, helps. If everyone else takes you as a joke, I take you seriously. If everyone else thinks you're worthless, I think you're worth more than all of them put together. If anyone thinks you're better of dead, I'd make sure they're dead. I'd do this. And everything I say is not said to make you feel better, its to remind you that you mean something and the fact that you're always there is priceless. Thanks for being a great friend. You make it real for me. The lyrics to this song matches my life. Perfectly.

Its never really over till its over.
You've always kept me rooted to the ground, instead of buried six-feet under it.

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